Work Family Play

I've spent over twenty-five years consulting, designing, engineering, building, and/or operating enterprise and carrier class voice and data networks. 

During the dot-com bubble , I was in the business development group of a major next-generation fiber carrier, and encountered some pretty wacky business plans.  I'll be sharing a few on these pages, with lots of evidence that it doesn't take brains or experience to lose a lot of money - but it helps.

There are also some technical documents related to networks and network deployments that some might find useful.

Also see a few real projects that I had particular fun with, be impressed (or not) with my past and credentials, and download my resume.

It's been a busy year.  After a three year long distance romance, I've moved from St. Louis to Dayton (381.5 miles, in case you were wondering), and remarried on June 24th, 2006. 

Predictable complications ensued - integrating families, a new job, and figuring out that my new wife Beth's house wasn't big enough. 

Shop for a house.  Think about building.  Shop some more.  Decide to build.  Design a house. Find someone to build it.  Find a lot.  Find a lot that will let someone else build on it.  And finally, start building a new house.

Check this page for all the details - Wedding Pictures, Family Photo Album, family activities, and the House Construction Blog!

Quiz: How is the IBM PC like the Model T Ford? Because both changed day to day life and culture on much of the planet; both went from expensive toys to daily necessities; and both industries went from hundreds of local companies producing similar products out of garages down to the few giants we see today.  Oh, and because I have owned originals of both.  My original IBM PC is long gone, but inside you can see the current and future state of my 1923 Model T Ford runabout, and unusual modifications on the Model T Oddities page.

Our whole family is active in Mensa, the High-IQ society, and travel to weekend activities called Regional Gatherings all around the Midwest and Northeast.

Check out those and my other hobbies - Genealogy, music (particularly Filk) and more.

Work Family Play

Humor & Trivia

“We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out” --Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.
